
Posts Tagged ‘relaxation’

Napoleon Hill, author of “Think and Grow Rich”, largely fathered the self help movement that has become a multi billion dollar industry in North America alone. Hill’s fans, such as myself, revere his writing for his sensible, simple, straight forward style, devoid of any pretense.

I find that no matter how often you read Hill’s books, there are always new things to learn. One such nugget from “Think and Grow Rich” is Hill’s advice on how to become more relaxed. Hill suggests you keep a sock handy, where you can view it often, and imitate its formless sprawl. Let  the sock inspire you to release resistance and submit to relaxation. Hill claims cats usually respond the same way when you pick them up. I don’t know about cats. Some don’t like to be picked up. However, the sock example rings totally true. For me, it works. I suggest you try it too.

Many decades after Hill’s works were first published, they still have much to offer us.


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For our purposes, “concentration” has a slightly different meaning than the usual one. When we speak of “concentrating” on something; we don’t mean forcing ourselves to think about it or staring at it intently. We mean becoming fascinated, obsessed with and/or love the subject of our concentration. A good analogy is the passionate feelings new lovers have for each other. They typically concentrate on each other, in a pleasurable relaxed way. This is an excellent model for how to concentrate on your desire.

Concentration can also be negative. Negative concentration involves doubting our desires will be manifested, a worrying fascination or obsession with something we don’t want in our lives etc. You can tell whether your concentration is positive or negative by how you feel. If you feel good about your concentration, your concentration is positive. If you do not feel good about it, you are concentrating on what you don’t want.  Negative feelings are a strong sign you need to change your concentration from what you don’t want to what you want.  Feelings such as relaxation, excitement and happiness reveal you are in a good state of concentration, which draws your desire into your life.

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