The Making of a Karaoke Star

According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two…Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy. (Jerry Seinfeld)

It’s no secret that becoming an effective public speaker is great for our career and personal life. Among the many benefits are:

* Increased self confidence
* Increased influence
* Opportunities to make more desired business and personal connections
* Impressing colleagues, prospects, clients and others
* Greater ability to inspire people to take action

There are good reasons why public speaking is a prized skill among influential people such as politicians and corporate leaders. However, as Jerry Seinfeld notes, many people are plain terrified to speak in public.

Firstly, If you are serious about becoming a skilled public speaker, you need to join a good speaking organization, such as Toastmasters International. In addition, singing lessons have long been recommended to make you a more effective public speaker. Singing lessons are helpful, but karaoke singing can help you even more. Singing lessons and karaoke are a powerful combination to increase your public speaking skill. If you prefer to do only of these, I recommend you do karaoke. This is why:



Karaoke need not involve much preparation. You don’t have to create original material. The lyrics are right on the screen. You just sing…Nor do you have to worry about your singing prowess. Karaoke was almost certainly invented for the masses, who have less than stellar singing voices. For the most part, karaoke is just about having fun.

Bring a few friends along for support. Karaoke is a great way to break the ice for aspiring public speakers who are scared to perform in front of groups. Or for people who want to get back to public speaking after a hiatus.


You may surprise yourself with the variety of tones you can hit, when singing.. You will like some tones and want to practice and keep them. Others not so much. Vocal variety is an important part of your took box, as a speaker. Increasing your vocal variety builds your tool box.

Public speaking is not only about delivering a message. Any recording device can do that. The first thing a speaker needs to do is to maintain their audience’s attention.

Unless you keep the audience’s attention, you won’t get the chance to motivate them to take the desired action. Whether that desired action is buying products or services, supporting a cause, investing in something etc.

Sought after speakers are entertaining speakers. Performing karaoke can provide you with valuable experience and learning about entertaining audiences. You can supplement your learning by taking notes from other singers.


We humans are emotional beings. Not logical beings. Logic may make us think. Emotions make us act. Emotions are front and centre in music. Your job is to bring the lyrics to life with your personality and emotional content.

This is a good habit to transfer to public speaking. To deliver a powerful speech, we need to emotionalize our words and bring them to life. Your karaoke experience can make your speaking more emotionally compelling.
You can practise delivering maximum emotional content, to your audiences, by choosing songs involving strong emotions. A few of my favorites are; Tom Jones’ “Delilah”, Bon Jovi’s “You Give Love A Bad Name”, and Robert Palmer’s “Bad Case of Loving You”.

If you are a public speaker (regular or occasional), or aspire to be one, there are solid reasons to check out your local karaoke schedules.